Move! Move! – A Fun Games over the weekendRelease date: 2021-10-24

Challenge yourself, beyond yourself

The "2021 AGS Fun Games" arrived in the golden autumn as promised. There were 6 teams participating in this sports meeting. After each team captain selected their own team members, everyone enthusiastically discussed the participation of each team member, team name, slogan etc. daily. On the day of the Games, the weather was beautiful. Unlike the rainy days before, the sun was shining with a gentle smile and the beige osmanthus flowers were blooming brightly.  The breeze sent a fresh fragrance and everyone's face was full of happy smiles.

The style displays of 6 teams kicked off the prelude of the sports. The sporting event included dribbling like a dragon, magic circle, kangaroo jump, sandbag throwing, and The Magical Brush, total 5 competition items. Not only the names of the sports are full of fun, but also the participants need both mental and physical strength. On the field, everyone cheered and applauded for each other, and the scene was full of laughter, warm atmosphere and fun, leaving countless highlights and wonderful moments.

After a fierce competition, the ranking was decided according to the total points of the project:The Champion: The Kings. From the General Manager's Office and the Information Management Department.The second-place: We Are the Champion! From the International Business Department.

The third-place:Friends team. From the HR Department.Elite team. From the Finance Department and the Quality Regulation Department.

After the competition, everyone was eager to start the barbecue activities, spread various ingredients on the grill. Fully displaying everyone's capabilities. Barbecue “chefs” while grilling food and seasoning, right Hand brush Oil, left hand turn over the food. In a short time, the great smells of the roast meat overflowed.

Time flies, the Games came to a successful end, all of the participants in a relaxed atmosphere to spend a pleasant day. We are enthusiastic and cooperative at this day. Through this activity, the staff's enthusiasm has been stimulated, the team's friendship has been enhanced, and the good spirit of AGS staff have been spread out. In the future, we will work together to build a better tomorrow in the big family of AGS!

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